So You Want to Build a LIVE STEAM LOCOMOTIVEBased on a series of articles originally published in "Live Steam" magazine, this book contains detailed guidance on every aspect of designing, building and operating a live steam locomotive. Illustrated with over 300 detailed schematic diagrams and black and white photos. With bibliography. 161 pages.Publisher: Wildwood PublicationsNelson, Joseph FHardcoverEnglishライブスチーム LIVE STEAM関連の洋書です〇発送方法ゆうゆう 又は らくらくメルカリ便*都合によりどちらかに変更する場合がございますその他の関連品はこちら #goodmoooonigよろしくお願いいたします#鉄道#鉄道模型#鉄道写真#SL#SL模型#SL写真#蒸気機関車#ライブスチーム#livesteam#71/4"gauge#71/4"ゲージ