It was custom made at a department store for a 60th birthday party!It was made for a grand celebration with 60 people.It was my fathers.VintageIt has the initials of his name on it.A surprise just for the children.I also made a red jacket.I cant find it.I think I threw it awayA surprise just for the children.還暦のパーティのために百貨店でオーダーしたものです60人で盛大にお祝いしたときのもの父親のですヴィンテージ名前のイニシャル入ってます子どもたちだけでサプライズで赤いジャケットも作りましたが見つけることができない多分、捨てましたits black黒ですshoulder width 500Body width 550dress length 750